Project scope:

The demolition of an agricultural fertiliser production plant. The structure was located on a partially cleared site, although it was situated within 50’ of an operational production facility and ran adjacent to an essential internal supply road. The facility was designed to withstand the explosive reaction of chemicals.

Actions Taken:

A full survey of the structure was required to ascertain the safest and most effective method of demolition, taking into consideration the requirements of the site. Further assessment of the surrounding area was also undertaken to assess, in particular, the integrity of underground services. An effluent culvert was protected using compression matting comprising of steel plates and redundant tyres. The building was designed to fall away from all essential and operational areas of the facility, including the road.


The successful demolition of the structure was undertaken using explosive demolition techniques, ensuring that the closure of the road was kept to a minimum, thereby reducing disruption to the day to day running of the site and the ongoing activity of the production facility