Project scope:

The dismantling of a redundant garage facility with historical interest.

The project requirements:

The front façade of the structure held historical interest, therefore had to be retained for inclusion in the redevelopment. The public footpath between the road and the structure, giving access to the John Lennon memorial gardens adjacent to the garage, was to remain open to the public at all times and unspoilt by the dismantling operation. Materials arising from the project were to be crushed on site for re-use during the redevelopment.

Actions Taken:

B.D.B carried out structural assessments to ascertain the integrity of the façade to be retained. Working closely with our approved scaffolding contractor, the scaffold was designed and installed to meet the support requirements of the façade and allow public access to the footpath and gardens. The controlled dismantling of the structure was undertaken and, where possible, materials were reclaimed (timber and architectural stone work).


The project was undertaken to the complete satisfaction of the client, within budget and timescale.