Project scope:

The selective site clearance of redundant hoppers, conveyors and exchange houses. Control of site roads and pedestrian walkways. Processing and disposal off site of scrap created.

Project Assessment:

A full project assessment was undertaken to allow for project and site specific risk assessments to be carried out. These addressed such issues as working at height and the client’s use of roadways within the project area. Site and project specific method statements were developed for the client’s review and comment to address such issues.

Client – Contractor Communication:

Frequent meetings were held at all levels (ranging from management to toolbox talks with the site operatives) to ensure that an adequate flow of essential information was provided. This ensured that the highest Health, Safety and Environmental standards were maintained.


Validation of the project’s compliance to SHE legislation was essential for the future development of site. All relevant information required by the Planning Supervisor/Coordinator was efficiently supplied allowing the completion of the Health & Safety File (including full traceability of all materials arising).