Project scope:

Following the closure of the quarry, the process plant was removed, however the primary crushing plant, due to its location, was left in situ and the quarry was left to regenerate naturally. Following years of regeneration, it was decided by the local authorities that the primary crushing plant should be removed and the plinths reshaped to match the surrounding rock structure.

Project Assessment:

The primary crusher was located on a narrow access road approximately 200’ from the base of the quarry on a near vertical face. Edge protection was non- existent and the structural integrity of the plant and surrounding quarry face were unknown. Access to the site was severely restricted due to the growth of trees and other flora as well as the general terrain. A stipulation made was that regeneration could not be affected by B.D.B operations. Assessments of structural integrity were carried out to ensure that loading capacities on the work face were within acceptable levels. Fall prevention measures where installed to ensure the safety of all operatives and auditors. Site and project specific Risk Assessments and Method Statements were produced. Project specific site inductions were undertaken covering the associated risks of the project.


The project was undertaken to the total satisfaction of both the local authority and the quarry owners and with minimal disruption to site regeneration.