Project Summary

The preparation and slinging of fire damaged product feed conveyor modules, prior to lifting to ground level.

The conveyer modules were located 60m (200′) above ground and at a radius of 72m (236′). Each conveyor module weighed 38 tonnes.

Special attention was to be given to two fuel feed lines located directly beneath the modules to be removed.

Due to the cost of down time for the plant, work was to be carried out 24 hours a day.

Actions Taken:

The preparation of site and project specific Method Statements and Risk Assessments for approval by client.

The close management and supervision of lifts was carried out by a joint management team, comprising B.D.B’s site management opperatives and the crane company. Working with a 1200 tonne Crane fitted with an 18 point lifting beam, an additional 200 tonne crane and a 160 tonne crane were utiiised, to provide access for preparation work to be carried out.

Lifting points were cut in each module and slings were attached. The conveyor modules were cut free and lifted to ground level.